Categories: DDoS

What is a DDoS attack?

Distributed Denial of Service attack, or for short a DDoS attack, is a cyber-attack which purpose is to cause an online service unavailable to users. Commonly, it disrupts the services of the hosting server. In order to initiate the DDoS attack, a lot of compromised devices spread all over the world are required. They are commonly known as a botnet. The main goal is to flood the target and overwhelm it with malicious traffic. 

A potential target of a DDoS attack could be each website on the Internet. Each online business could not afford to experience its website being down for a long period of time. That is going to involve a great loss of potential clients. Find out more additional information about DDoS attacks!

Categories: DDoS

What is a Smurf attack?

The Smurf attack is a type of Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack, which is performed at the network layer. Actually, the name of this type of attack comes from the malware DDoS.Smurf used by the hackers to accomplish it. The Smurf attack is often compared with the ping flood technique, yet the last one is a type of Denial of Service (DoS) attack. The criminal overwhelms devices with Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo requests or also described as pings. The ICMP determines if the data is going to reach the selected target at the precise time plus reviews how well a network transfers data. The Smurf attack also sends ICMP pings. However, it is described as far more threatening. The reason for that is it is able to employ vulnerabilities in the Internet Protocol (IP) plus the ICMP. So, let’s explain how the Smurf attack works!

Categories: DDoS

DDoS protected DNS service explained

In recent years the number of DDoS attacks has been rapidly increasing. To make things simple, these attacks target a network, website, or server with the purpose of taking them down or making them function incorrectly. In order to protect and defend, website owners could use DDoS protected DNS service. That way, the website or network is going to be safe, up and running without problems. In addition, DDoS protected DNS service offers multiple servers. That way, they could distribute and balance the traffic. As a result, the website is available for visitors without any difficulties. Learn everything about DDoS protected DNS service!